
Zainabiya Child Sponsorship
Scheme (ZCSS)

our history

The Zainabiya Child Sponsorship Scheme (ZCSS) was launched in 1981 by Marhum Mulla Asghar Jaffer. The scheme is named in honour of Lady Zainab (as) under whose guardianship, the children of our Ahlulbayt (as) undertook the long and arduous journey from Karbala to Damascus after the tragedy in Karbala.

The Zainabiya Child Sponsorship Scheme provides financial assistance to underprivileged children in our wider Shia community, empowering them to access education and become successful.

The World Federation firmly believes that every child has the right to education and in line with the WF’s Education objective, the ZCSS aims to empower young individuals to access education to build a brighter future for themselves and their family become self-sufficient. We believe good education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a better future for children and their families.

Our Impact

Alhamdullilah, ZCSS has been successfully running for 43 years, and is currently supporting students across 7 countries.
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From humble beginnings and lofty intentions, the scheme commenced with sponsoring 44 students when it was launched in 1981. Growing over the years, to date we have supported more than 30,000 children to meet their educational needs.

Alhamdullilah, ZCSS provides support to students across 7 countries namely: India, Pakistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Philippines and more recently, Bangladesh and Uganda.

ZCSS Evolution

Academic Year 2023/24

Alhamdullilah, during the academic year 2023/24, we are supporting 5,161 students in total.

Supporting total



Register today to become a Sponsor Parent!

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